The mechanician becomes a machine of his own creation. Dealing a constant stream of ranged damage at targets near and far.
This power is only enhanced by his ability to electrically overload himself, further increasing his damage and speed.
Bring out the shield and embark yourself in Metal. The Mechanician can take on many foes at once and come out on top without a scratch being the most tanky class of all when built right.
Use compulsion to pull in enemies to make killing them even more fun.
Do we need to say more? Throw bombs at your enemies and watch them burn!
Fling a makeshift bomb at the target for area damage, this skill deals bonus damage to machine & mutant type.
Temporarily boost your shield's block rating.
Give the Mechanician a surge of a attack speed for a short duration.
Temporarily boost your absorption.
Launch an attack at a single target.
Temporarily boost your attack rating and power with most melee weapons.
Temporarily boost your power with ranged weaponry, greatly boost damage against monsters, speed boost requires MP & STM.
Fire off a large spark of energy dealing moderate damage in target area, this skill deals bonus damage to machine type.
Temporarily boost your defense while wearing Mechanician Spec body armor.
Unleash two devastating attacks on a single target with boosted attack rating, boosted by Great Smash and deals bonus damage to machine type.
Permanently raise your attack power with any Mechanician Spec weapon.
Temporarily create a magnetically charged field that draws enemies towards you and boosts absorption.
Attack the target twice with an electrically charged weapon causing a chain reaction damaging some foes around you, bonus damage to machine type.
Increase your defense rating and damage attacking enemies on each successful block, boosted by Spark and deals bonus damage to machine type.
Temporarily produce three levitating energy crystals that discharge at nearby enemies, this skill deals bonus damage to machine type.
Summon a massive metallic golem that fights by your side.